Sunday, February 22, 2009


From time to time, I'm often confronted with observations that prompt me to develop Various questions. The problem is I'm often alone when these moments happen. So I have decided that I would make a note whenever I encounter these simple ironies of life. Not only have I made note of them, but I'm prepared to share them with you, my new internet friend!

Why do all the good songs come on the radio when you are about to park your car?

Why am I always receiving gospel e-mails from people who will curse you out about not reading it?

Can you imagine a church spelling bee? “Please spell Jehoshaphat.”

Why is the act of unmarried people that live together in an apartment called shacking? Shouldn't it be apartmenting? Or duplexing?

Do you have people at your job that when you see him or her, you automatically want to go the other direction?

What if gospel radio stations played a secular song in their rotation? Can you imagine hearing Earth, Wind, and Fire’s “Reasons” on the gospel radio station?

Why would workers strike on their day off? Isn’t that work?

Why is pizza on the Chinese restaurant buffet? Ok, what about tacos?

Why is Happy Hour called that? It normally lasts for 3 hours!

Where is Stoney Jackson? (The limo driver from 227)