Friday, October 30, 2009

Word of the Day - Oct. 30

Innocuous (adj.)
- Having no adverse effect; Harmless

Rufus refuted all allegations of being fresh with his co-worker. He claimed his physical contact with her was only a brief and innocuous hug.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Word of the Day - Oct. 29

Umbrage (n.)
- Offensive; resentment
- Something that affords shade

The guards take umbrage at any even mildly disrespectful behavior.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Word of the Day - Oct. 28

Visage (n.)
- A visible trance; evidence; or sign of something that exists or appears no longer.

.. with Lenin's glowering visage and Soviet propaganda posters........

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Word of the Day - Oct. 27

Fortuitous (adj.)
- Happening by accident or chance. Lucky or fortunate.

But after a couple of bobbles - and a fortuitous reply review - Moore had his first career touchdown.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Word of the Day - Oct. 26

Rife (adj.)

- In widespread existence; Increasingly prevalent; Abundant

Madoff's workplace was rife with cocaine, sex.

A nasty house is often rife with roaches.