Thursday, July 29, 2010

I'm Just Saying.....

Saints - I'm often searching the Internet for various things, and in one of my recent journeys I stumbled upon this photo. I must say, when I first saw this particular photograph I was taken aback. My initial thought was," Whoa....somebody's Pastor is "getting it IN"!!!

But after further review, one can clearly see that this Man of God is obvious performing a marriage ceremony. As the Bible states," To the pure all things are pure:" (Titus 1:15) However; I'm quite certain if that was my initial thought, I'm sure that I am not alone. (I am here with you, though your far away......but I digress)

I'm just saying........ screen the content that is posted on the internet. You don't want your Pastor looking like he is about to kiss the sky. I'm just saying.......

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