Thursday, December 10, 2009

Word of the Day - Dec. 10

Snafu (n)
- A badly confused or ridiculously muddled situation.

(adj) - In disorder; Out of control; Chaotic

(v) - To throw into disorder; Muddle

The BBQ caterer recognized that someone had made quite a snafu after he finished setting up the buffet for the Muslims of the Midlands event.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Word of the Day - Dec. 9

Morass (n)
- A patch of low, soft, wet ground; A swamp; A confusing situation in which one is entrapped

After a bad performance, if I'm not careful; I can retreat to a morass of self-doubt and disappointment.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Word of the Day - Dec. 8

Icon (n)
- A representation or image of a sacred personage, often considered sacred itself; An image or picture; Objection of blind devotion.

It is tragic to watch the rapid demise of Tiger Woods's iconic status.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Word of Day - Dec. 4

Caterwaul (v.)
- To howl or screech like a cat; To quarrel

(n) - A harsh or noisy cry; A racket

After the loss, I know I heard loyal fans caterwaul over the defeat.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Word of the Day - Dec. 3

Gratis (adj.)
- Free

(adv.) - Without charge

When a comic is first starting out, most of the shows he/she performs are gratis.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Word of the Day - Dec. 1

Folderol (n)
- Foolish talk, or procedures; Nonsense

As a child, it was not uncommon for me to receive multiple pops in the mouth because of my ever increasing folderol.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Word of the Day - Nov. 30

Subsist (v)
- To have existence; To remain alive; Manage to make a living or maintain life; To persist or continue

It's amazing how in college I could subsist on a diet of Raman noodles and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Word of the Day - Nov. 24

Propinquity (noun)
- Nearness in place or time; Kinship

The propinquity of the doughut shop to the gym caused many clients to make poor decisions after their work out.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Word of the Day - Nov. 23

Badinage (noun)
- Light, playful banter or raillery

-To banter with or tease (someone) playfully.

Since my childhood, I have always enjoyed lively badinage. Chiefly, because I was quite skilled at tomfoolery. Unfortunately, more times than not, the wrong thing would be said and there would be some consequences and repercussions to be paid.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Word of the Day - Nov. 20

Laconic (adj.)
- Using few words; Expressing much in few words; Concise

Also, there is no dialogue expect for some laconic titles that appear on the screen from time to time.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Word of the Day - Nov. 19

Elixir (noun)
- A sweetened, aromatic solution of alcohol and water containing, or used as a vehicle for, medicinal substances.
- An alchemic preparation formerly believed to be capable of prolonging life.
- A panacea; cure-all; sovereign remedy

But used more sensibly, humor can be a clarifying organizational elixir.
(A Whole New Mind, p. 199)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Word of the Day - Nov. 18

Lilliputian (adj.)
- Extremely small; tiny; Diminutive
- Petty; Trivial
- A very small person

It's sad how family members can fall out with one another over Lilliputian issues.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Word of the Day - Nov. 17

well-heeled (adj.)
- Well-off; Wealthy; Rich

Impatient shareholders and well-heeled corporate raiders have seen to that.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Word of the Day - Nov. 16

Leitmotif (noun)
- A motif or theme associated throughout a music drama with a particular person, situation, or idea.

And it is studded, annoyingly, with the odd little leitmotifs that run through many of the authors novels.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Word of the Day - Nov. 12

Taut (adj.)
- Tightly drawn; tense; not slack.
- Emotionally or mentally strained or tense
- In good order or condition; tidy

Taut, autobiographical, and admirably reported.....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Word of the Day - Nov. 10

Tabard (noun)
- A loose outer garmet, sleeveless or with short sleeves
- A coarse, heavy, short coat, with or without sleeves, formerly worn outdoors.

My wardrobe will be compete once I'm adorned in a tabard.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Word of the Day - Nov. 9

Foist (verb)
- To force upon or impose fradulently or unjustifiably
- To bring, put, or introduce surreptitiously
- A thief or pickpocket

It's amazing how unscrupulous comics foist off stolen material as if it was their own.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Word of the Day - Nov. 6

Effusive (adj.)

- Unduly demonstrative; Lacking reserve
- Pouring Out; Overflowing

Jeffery, who is friendly but not effusive with the media.....

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Word of the day - Nov. 5

Refulgent (adj.)
- Shining brightly; Radiant; Gleaming

We noticied that between the trouser hem and refulgent loafer, a gleam of bronzed ankle.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Word of the Day - Nov. 4

Thaumaturge (n.)

- A worker of wonders or miracles; magician.

Who is he, the smiling thaumaturge?

If Coach Spurrier is able to get the Gamecocks to play constantly at a high level in the SEC, he will surely be proclaimed a thaumaturge.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Word of the Day - Nov. 3

Curative (adj)
- Serving or tending to cure.

His hands were out-thrust, seeking the curative touch.

- Something that cures; a remedy

As a child, in my household it was commonly accepted that the belt was a curative for any foolish behavior.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Word of the Day - Nov. 2

Diminutive (adj.)
- Extremely small in size
- Tiny

The coaches had not prepared adequately for the diminutive but lighting-fast tailback, and he proved to foil their otherwise excellent game plan.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Word of the Day - Oct. 30

Innocuous (adj.)
- Having no adverse effect; Harmless

Rufus refuted all allegations of being fresh with his co-worker. He claimed his physical contact with her was only a brief and innocuous hug.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Word of the Day - Oct. 29

Umbrage (n.)
- Offensive; resentment
- Something that affords shade

The guards take umbrage at any even mildly disrespectful behavior.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Word of the Day - Oct. 28

Visage (n.)
- A visible trance; evidence; or sign of something that exists or appears no longer.

.. with Lenin's glowering visage and Soviet propaganda posters........

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Word of the Day - Oct. 27

Fortuitous (adj.)
- Happening by accident or chance. Lucky or fortunate.

But after a couple of bobbles - and a fortuitous reply review - Moore had his first career touchdown.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Word of the Day - Oct. 26

Rife (adj.)

- In widespread existence; Increasingly prevalent; Abundant

Madoff's workplace was rife with cocaine, sex.

A nasty house is often rife with roaches.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Recap

Hello gang -

It's been quite a little while since I last blogged. That's sad because I'm always doing something. Here's a quick recap of some of the things I have been doing. (In no particular order)

  • Purchased a PO Box
  • Hired a PR consultant
  • Shot the intro for my DVD taping
  • Started working at the local comedy club
  • Taped another TV show
  • Updated the video on my site
  • Finally played the Garden Bistro

So now that we are up to speed, I really look forward to sharing comedic insight with all 4 of my followers. I couldn't do this without you guys! Thanks!

Recently, the battery in my car died and I had to call AAA. When the woman answered the phone, she asked, "If I was in a safe, secure location?" WHAT!!! Are you serious? I'm I in a safe, secure location??!! Of course I was, but what if I were not? Would she ask for me to call back once I found one? I doubt that I would be calling AAA if I were not in a safe, secure environment. What if I said No! What would have been her recourse? Sir, please call back once you are in a safe, secure location. What if I would have said that I was at a Taylor Swift concert with a Kanye West t-shirt on? Would she have recognized the imminent danger I potentially could have been confronted with? I THINK NOT.......

Well be easy peeps! Before I bid you Godspeed - can anyone tell me where the rapper Bahamdia is? Just a thought!

Be easy -


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

R.I.P. -King of Pop!

I have enjoyed Michael Jackson's music over the years, and his legacy will continue on even after his death.  Michael Jackson has provided comedians with tremendous amounts of  material throughout the course of his life.  I had a Michael Jackson joke that I did when I first started comedy.  It would always receive pretty poor responses from audiences, so I stop doing it.  Whenever I would do it, the laughter was sparse, meager, scant, exiguous, thin, occasional, poor, and scarce.  So, being that there is not an actual audience sitting in my office while I type this blog entry.  I will try it again.

I feel that it would be apropos to share it one more time.  
The joke is if Michael Jackson owned a daycare center.  This is what the commercial may have been.  

Hello - my name is Michael Jackson and I would like to invite all parents to consider sending your children to my daycare center.  Just bring your Pretty Young Things down to learn their ABCs and 123s.  It doesn't matter if your kid is Black or White or Bad.  Because I'll Be There to Beat It.  Even if they Scream, as long as there is No Blood on the Dancefloor; I'll get away with it like a Smooth Criminal.  I'll have your kids saying Remember the Time when The Man in the Mirror said You are Not Alone - in life.  I'll teach them all about Human Nature.  I will guarantee that my center will be a Thriller.  You will get to see Another Part of Me.  Michael Jackson, the babysitter - now Beat It!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Art of Comedy

Being a professional comedian is quite an interesting occupation.  The constant question that I'm presented with is, "Are you funny?"  Of course, I enjoy answering that question with my performance.  The downside of that is sometimes I may not get the gig because of unfamiliarity. Over the last couple of months, I've been researching many of the great artists of our time: Michelangelo, Van Gogh, Vermeer, da Vinci, Rembrandt, etc.  In times past, I have not always appreciated the importance of the arts, or realized the high level of acumen it takes to create works of art.  What I have found is there are great similarities in how artists approach the creative process.  I can assure you that I will not attempt to slice my ear off at any point; but I am definitely open to immersing myself into the arts to find the connections that I can transition to the stage.  Hence the new movement - The Art of Comedy.

I would like to give shout outs to a few folks:

SC Ovarian Cancer Foundation - I truly know that girls just wanna have fun!  LOL!

Greater Young Zion Baptist Church - Augusta, GA - A lint brush, really y'all??  I'll see you in November, GYZ!

The Harvin family - Stuckey, SC - Ms. Shirley was a great sidekick.

Clarendon Safe Schools Initiative - Family Happy Hour is off the chain.

Chosen 2 Conquer International Ministries - Digital Sounds was excellent.  Tell Brother Charles to leave the animals alone!  LOL!

Thanks for coming along on the ride.

Holla at ya boi - 
Comedian Mike Goodwin


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

BET - Gospel Comic View

Greetings - I have some great news. I was selected for a new tv show that will be airing on BET in April. The show is called A Time to Laugh: Gospel Comic View. I just wanted to provide a few details.

  • Selected from a field of 75 comics to showcase

  • Selected from the 23 that showcased to record the actual show

  • Recorded on the 1st Season of the new Gospel Comic View

I will provide a more detailed synopsis at a future time.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


From time to time, I'm often confronted with observations that prompt me to develop Various questions. The problem is I'm often alone when these moments happen. So I have decided that I would make a note whenever I encounter these simple ironies of life. Not only have I made note of them, but I'm prepared to share them with you, my new internet friend!

Why do all the good songs come on the radio when you are about to park your car?

Why am I always receiving gospel e-mails from people who will curse you out about not reading it?

Can you imagine a church spelling bee? “Please spell Jehoshaphat.”

Why is the act of unmarried people that live together in an apartment called shacking? Shouldn't it be apartmenting? Or duplexing?

Do you have people at your job that when you see him or her, you automatically want to go the other direction?

What if gospel radio stations played a secular song in their rotation? Can you imagine hearing Earth, Wind, and Fire’s “Reasons” on the gospel radio station?

Why would workers strike on their day off? Isn’t that work?

Why is pizza on the Chinese restaurant buffet? Ok, what about tacos?

Why is Happy Hour called that? It normally lasts for 3 hours!

Where is Stoney Jackson? (The limo driver from 227)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

20 Under 40

Recently my wife, Rozalynn, was honored as one of the 20 under 40 by The State paper. A reception for the honorees was held tonight, and she was asked to be one of the two honorees to speak. She was amazing! I knew I married a phenomenal woman and this was confirmed again for me tonight. Roz is super star, that’s my word!