Tuesday, July 7, 2009

R.I.P. -King of Pop!

I have enjoyed Michael Jackson's music over the years, and his legacy will continue on even after his death.  Michael Jackson has provided comedians with tremendous amounts of  material throughout the course of his life.  I had a Michael Jackson joke that I did when I first started comedy.  It would always receive pretty poor responses from audiences, so I stop doing it.  Whenever I would do it, the laughter was sparse, meager, scant, exiguous, thin, occasional, poor, and scarce.  So, being that there is not an actual audience sitting in my office while I type this blog entry.  I will try it again.

I feel that it would be apropos to share it one more time.  
The joke is if Michael Jackson owned a daycare center.  This is what the commercial may have been.  

Hello - my name is Michael Jackson and I would like to invite all parents to consider sending your children to my daycare center.  Just bring your Pretty Young Things down to learn their ABCs and 123s.  It doesn't matter if your kid is Black or White or Bad.  Because I'll Be There to Beat It.  Even if they Scream, as long as there is No Blood on the Dancefloor; I'll get away with it like a Smooth Criminal.  I'll have your kids saying Remember the Time when The Man in the Mirror said You are Not Alone - in life.  I'll teach them all about Human Nature.  I will guarantee that my center will be a Thriller.  You will get to see Another Part of Me.  Michael Jackson, the babysitter - now Beat It!

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